I am very happy to be back on-line and releasing these songs. It's been far too long.

Before I start, let me point out that the album’s cover features a photo of my piano. This is where I feel I have spent every night of my life. Gratefully so.

Okay! A Quick Word...

Most of this was recorded over a very difficult two year period. It was a passage which brought the death of my mother, of my friend Tony Kinman and recently, the Woolsey Fire which we fled this past November. 

Somehow, in between and after all that, I got this done.

The newest song on the collection is the title track, Every Night of my Life, written just before the fires. The oldest, Perfect Stranger was created in 1981. I will tell you more about the others in the days to come.

To thank you for supporting this website, I have added a bonus track, Shine (for Henry). I recorded this informal version of the song late at night for a friend a few years ago.

The songs are 

Every Night of My Life 

Perfect Stranger 

I Had a New Wave Act 


Get Me Out Of This Town* (duet with Tony Kinman) 

(Bonus Track )

Shine (for Henry



Andy Prieboy 
Vocals, Piano, Keyboards, Guitar 

Tony Kinman 
Bass, Vocals 

David Kendrick 
Drums, percussion. 

I have included the lyrics digitally should you purchase the album. I must apologize for the absence of design on those pages. The wildfires robbed me of the time I needed to prepare something better looking. 

As I said, I will be writing more about some of these songs. In fact, one of the songs crossed paths with Super Freak Rick James long ago. But I will tell you more about that later.

For now, I am very happy to be back.

Thank you for stopping by.

Thank you for your support.

Andy Prieboy 


Album photo by Bruce Birnbaum. Lettering by Noah Markoe

Caveat Emptor: Downloading music off this program may prove difficult on iOS devices. 

iMac/Macbooks, on the other hand, should be compatible. 

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